Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's In The Bag.

All of those Instagram posts last week of the stuff inside people's bags made me think....I should record for all posterity the incredible amount of stuff *most of it unusual* that I carry around every day. Do you remember that baby shower game where whoever has the weirdest thing in their purse wins a prize? That would be me.

So, I bag, and it's glorious contents.I labeled things to make it easier. Not all of this stuff can be found at your local Wal-Mart.

1. This bag contains an entire change of clothes. Including socks, pants, shirt and underwear. Needed at all times in case Cole loses bladder or bowel control when he has a seizure...or just gets messy like a normal 3 year old. There is also another clean Ziploc in there to put soiled clothes in.
2. Kleenex-That's normal.
3. Versed-Both Intranasal (including nasal atomizers) and Buccal.
4. Pulse oximeter, alcohol wipes and Bob the Builder stickers...very important, those stickers.
5. Diastat-in two different doses
6. Dog treats
7. Flat collar in case we have to track unexpectedly or Slugger's breaks.
8. Prescription FL-41 lenses for light sensitivity. Cole always needs to wear these outside.
9. Syringes-large and small, lubricating jelly, medicine cups
10. g-tube extension
11. Diazepam tablets, pill crusher..all goes in the bag with the syringes and extension.
12. water to mix meds and flush g-tube, also can be used for Slugger
13. This is MY bag-includes things like feminine necessities, lip gloss, my personal pharmacy, hand sanitizer, chapstick, that kind of stuff.
14. Wallet-also includes a copy of Cole's emergency plan
15. Headphones
16. Normal kid stuff like snacks and toys (Mater and a plastic bug)
17. Wipes-flushable and regular
18. "Juice" aka Fruit 2O
The stuff that wouldn't fit in the first picture includes: Gentle Leader, iPad to record seizures and provide therapy, phone (to do the same thing as iPad...and let me play Words With Friends), collapsible water bowl for Slugger, doggie bagsand it all fits! This particular bag is smaller than my last one. Plus, I used to have diapers and a changing pad in there! No wonder my shoulders hurt. I can not be caught without any of these things. They are the essentials. Believe me, I have wondered myself why I carry so much stuff everywhere (and this doesn't even include the oxygen tank!) but I need all of it...all of the time. I've been caught once or twice without something and I have really regretted it. SO, every morning I usually go through the bag and restock it.

They say that you can tell a lot about a woman by the contents of her purse. What do you think the stuff in my bag says about me?

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