Monday, April 12, 2010

Test Diet, Day 1

I knew this was going to be hard. I knew I was going to have to be creative. Today just re-enforced that. There have been a lot of tears today.

This diet is very high fat. The majority of it comes from cream. There is also butter, oil and mayonnaise.

Cole hates heavy whipping cream, doesn't want anything to do with it. It is a part of every meal. I have tried it frozen like ice cream. With strawberries, without strawberries. With natural vanilla, with coconut milk. Thinned with water, thinned with fruit flavored water. Cold, room temperature. It's a good thing that it is only a 4 oz serving at a time.

He immediately rejected his eggnog (a keto recipe) first thing this morning for breakfast. I just decided to try other things throughout the day. Cole would not eat all of his lunch, this is no surprise. He hardly eats anyway; but especially if it is a food that he does not like. I tried to give him water to keep him hydrated, but he was not interested in drinking plain water. Terrible two's just got more terrible.

I have officially locked the fridge. I took a strap off of my big backpack and clamped the doors together with it. Cole is strong enough to open them. He took out strawberries, carrots, and something else today that I can't remember. SO-the pantry has always had a lock, now the fridge does too.

I was really hoping that dinner would go better. I had tried to get him to eat a keto-friendly snack in between meals, but he only took a small amount. The dinner recipe was: 4 oz heavy whipping cream (to drink), 2 tsp ham, 1 Tbsp carrots (cooked), 1 tsp butter. That's it. I felt like we could do this. I told Cole that the ham was hot dog, the only meat he will eat. He wasn't buying any of it. He'll eat raw carrots, won't touch cooked. I knew this, but thought if I waited it out, he would at least try.

I had Cole strapped in the high chair for over an hour. I tried bargaining to no avail. We had practiced a reward for eating the other day with his speech therapist. He wanted Daddy, he wanted to get down, he wanted Grandma. I knew that he would beg and put up a fight. I even tried to force feed him. He just spit it out. So I just left him alone and told him that he had to eat before he could get down.

However, I didn't know that he would gag so hard drinking his cream that he would vomit what little he has eaten today.

I guess I'm back to square one. Here's to having tomorrow be a new day. On the menu-tuna (yeah, right); lettuce (in your dreams); peaches (YES-something he likes); eggs (nope); chicken (maybe); green beans (never); and a LOT more cream/coconut milk.

Prayers are totally accepted...


  1. Oh, I am praying and praying and praying. We love you:)

  2. Could you whip the cream and eat it like that? Maybe even put sprinkles on top (sprinkles might be out of the question) just and idea.

  3. hmmm...that is interesting he has to drink 4oz of cream. My Cole is 26lbs & 32 inches...& all of his meals use 35g of cream which is about 1 1/2 oz. and then we put water in it so it's a total of 3 or 4 oz. You should ask Eliza what the "real" amount would be for him so if it's not really that much you can do smaller quanties.
    Also, if he likes hot dogs ask her for a recipe. Coles favorties are
    "spagetti": ground beef, little olive oil, parmesan cheese & the cream which he drinks.
    "fruit & cheese": fruit, cheese, butter (which we put in the cream) & cream to drink.
    If you feel like they arn't working...ask her for other ones to try. I remember the "trail" he didn't really like & the quanity was WAY off of what he really needed.


Photos by Capture Me Candid