Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Random Things About Me

Instagram was having this little diddy for a couple of weeks where people posted random things about themselves.

Since it has been so heavy around here, let's lighten it up with some random things about moi.

-I think I look like a dork in "serious" pictures.  Case in point.

-I have probably over 50 pairs of shoes.  3/4 of those were purchased by my husband.  Even though I like shoes, I actually prefer to be barefoot.

-I would rather throw up than exercise.  That's how much I hate it.  I do it anyway, but I don't have to like it and endorphins are seriously something someone made up.

-I have visions of my youngest sister and I actually living in the same location; so we can start a catering and wedding cake business.  Oh yes, you better believe I have designed the stationary.

-My favorite place to be right now is in my bed.

-My biggest pet peeve is someone promising they will do something for me, and then they don't.  Also the reverse.  I can't stand myself when I have promised someone something and then I can't follow through.

-I redecorate parts of my house, in my head, at least once a day.

-It was my biggest ambition in life for a long time to be a Marine Biologist Veterinarian.  I cry every time I go to Sea World.

-In a perfect world, I would live on a farm near the mountains and the ocean.

-I am a fast reader and can plow through a book really quick.  My parents would catch me awake in the middle of the night because I had to finish "Just one more chapter".

Feel enlightened? ;)


  1. Perhaps your husband would be willing to share a lesson in EQ about buying shoes for wives...and when you find that farm by the mountains/ocean, let me know and sign me up! :)

  2. I think you look like a hottie.

  3. I love it! I would have a second wedding if you and Chris would do it.


Photos by Capture Me Candid