Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Whole Year

Sometimes it feels like we have been keeping this website forever. Hundreds of posts later, this week was our official one year anniversary!

I can not even express how life-changing this site has been for me. It has brought me some of my best friends, you know who you are. It has put us in touch with other families who have special needs. Some have become our second family. It was a catalyst in finding our Dravet and GEFS+ diagnoses. It helped us to raise money for Cole's new dog. It has done a lot of things, for me, and hopefully for some other people as well. A new friend told me this week that I was inspiring with my positive attitude and outlook on, I hope she never goes through these archives! ;) There have been definite ups and downs in 52 weeks. This site also kept our family and friends informed with what we are doing for treatments, along with a cute video of Cole thrown in every once in a while.

Here is to many more years and many more friends! Thanks to everyone that supports us, or even blog stalks us ;) You are all warriors!

Another anniversary this week was my fixed heart. Two years, only two seizures. I would say that it was worth it.


  1. I am glad you have this website too. It strengthens me to read it. Also, most people that visit my website only come because of yours :) ! So thanks for that. I hope I get to be considered a new friend or family. That would be an honor!

  2. I can't believe you've only been blogging one year! Here's to many more!
    Has it really only been about a year since we've known each other? It feels like a lifetime. :) Great friends are like that. Love to you and the boys!


Photos by Capture Me Candid