Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Parents Of The Year-Training, Day 9

We are kind of out of our element here. No specific routine. At home, the morning usually goes like this:
Brian wakes up, gets ready for work. Makes Cole's milk, puts it in fridge.
Cole wakes up for the first (or third) time, comes into Niki's bed.
Cole sleeps for another hour, Niki gets ready (if she's lucky).
Cole wakes again, Niki grabs milk gives Cole meds.
Cole watches the show of the day and drinks breakfast.
Niki gets Cole ready for school. Nurse comes, we go to school.

There are slight variations of this routine, but it is usually how we approach morning. Here, all sorts of versions have been happening. We have been waking up earlier, all together. No going back to sleep for anyone. Sometimes I have been giving meds, sometimes Brian. Sometimes I have been getting breakfast, sometimes Brian.

Today, we figured out that we forgot the meds completely. Awesome.

Cole was having a really hard time waking up this morning. We started at 7:00 am, and by 8:30, he still wasn't ready to get up. It seems like all of the kids have hit a wall today. They need routine and this has been anything but. So, in our commotion of trying to get him to wake and get ready, we forgot the morning dose.

He had a rough time at the center and we could not figure out why. Now we know after some process of elimination. Also, watch out grandma's you have been replaced! Cole has adopted a grandmother that is here with another little boy in our class :) I told her to take it as a compliment.Cole had a 12 minute tonic-clonic seizure just after our track at the park. Being outside was enough to just push his brain over the edge.Slugger didn't even have a chance to alert. He was so amped up about tracking and playing the game that he couldn't focus. Then, Cole and I were separated from him for about 15 minutes before the actual seizure, which is in his alert window (we think).We'll have another chance, but we are kicking ourselves about it. At least we know that the medication is helping a little! We wondered about Keppra. Yep, parents of the year...right here.His post-ictal phase was really rough. Without that barrier of Keppra to break through, the rescue meds became super strong. The seizure took Versed and Diastat to break. He was so irritable, it was awful. Lots of screaming, crying and demanding things. "I want this, I want that!" We would give it to him and he would just continue to ask for it.

We got to the mall for our last indoor practice (can't believe it!) and he had kind of mellowed out. We knew that it was not going to last long though, so we asked to go first. Slugger did two short, textbook tracks. We also worked on some obedience, but left early.Good thing. I know my child. I can't always predict what or when he is going to do something, but I knew that he was getting to the end of his rope.Not a moment too soon, we left with him screaming as we headed to the car. The whole way back to the hotel we heard things like, "I want to go home! I don't want to be in my car seat! I want my milk!" over and over and over at a very loud, high pitch. Always fun. Slugger wasn't even really into behavior disruption commands because Cole was just so out of control.

We came back and tried to coax him into taking a nap. That took about a half hour to actually get him in the bed without going ballistic. Once in there though, he crashed hard. After his nap, he was good to go, we went and met up with one of Brian's cousins that lives in the area. You never would have known that Cole had just been through a rotten day. He just cared about the tractors and old farm equipment around the dairy that we visited. Made this farm girl proud!This kid is tough as nails. It makes me feel a little better that he rebounds so well, but still-no awards are in my future.

1 comment:

  1. Even though I don't know all of the dog-training lingo, these posts have been really interesting. I am so glad that Cole was finally able to get his dog. Hopefully Slugger will make a big difference in his life. You two are GREAT parents. I am amazed at the many things you have to deal with and how you take everything in stride!


Photos by Capture Me Candid