Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mas o Menos

More or less. I am having a love/hate relationship with Keppra right now.

It is the most medically safe drug for Cole to be on. It does not get metabolized in the liver or kidneys like others. It has very little side effects, compared to others. We love Keppra. I've been on it myself. Cole has mild issues with it. This drug is so much better than others we have tried.

The only time we really have problems with it, is when we are adjusting the dose.

Guess what time it is?

Cole has really been struggling the last few days. He had over 20 drops today. Still less than our average of 30 a couple of months ago, but since increasing the Keppra last time and limiting carbs, cutting out sugar, etc-they have been decreasing. He has been having an average of 8 drops for the last couple of weeks. That is, until things started to change-what's new? We have seen a definite increase in drops and partial-complex this month. We're still not where we were in say, February, but to increase after that significant decrease has been disheartening. Partial-complex seizures have been increasing, even with the diet change and more Keppra.

So, our neuro and pediatrician have suggested increasing the Keppra dose again to see if it affects the partial-complex seizures and possibly the adverse reaction to going outside.

Hello, behavior issues!

Cole is 2. I get that...but the crying for no reason, irritable, screaming, defiant 2 year old Cole is just about the lovliest person on the planet. Can you tell I am being sarcastic?

I don't know if it is a combination of teething, having constant company, the position of the moon, Keppra or what. All I know is that he is not himself. Which in turn, makes Brian and I not ourselves. After my lovely experience with an endoscopy and colonoscopy Friday, I am tired. That prep could be used as a weapon of mass destruction. My heart goes out to our friends that are doing ACTH right now-basically huge amounts of steroids for their 2 year old. Can't say that I envy them at this moment. Cole does not have 'roid rage. At least we can be crazy together!

I hope that Cole feels better soon. He can still run around like crazy and be very entertaining-but we are on edge again, watching his every move. You can go to our family blog to see a hilarious video of him watching the Jazz game last night (what a bummer, by the way). I really am anxious/excited for tomorrow's neurology appointment. A lot is riding on its outcome. Until then I am going to more or less try to relax (I can always hope, right)!


  1. I'll be checking every half hour to see how Cole's appt. goes tomorrow! I hope it goes well and that you get some rest tonight! Medication addled 2 year-olds are way more exhausting than regular 2 year-olds!

  2. I hear you. Although not nearly as serious as seizure meds (which we're done before), we tried to wean Katie off of her reflux med and I think we had the same child this morning. Yelling, crying and unhappy. It's a long day...and it's only noon. :)


Photos by Capture Me Candid