Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ode To A G-Tube

oh g-tube how i love thee
let me count the ways
alas, there are too many
i am so glad you came to stay
in your short existence
you have repeatedly saved the day*

Oh, blessed g-tube! It kept us from checking in at Primary Childrens yesterday. We could do exactly what they would have done for us there, with multiple pokes, here at home.
I spoke too soon. Cole did indeed contract whatever funky flu we have and spent the majority of yesterday seizing. We had to give him rescue meds 4 times. That, is a lot. His fever spiked at 103.5 and would not go down and we had a very, very sick little boy on our hands. However, we were able to give him fluids and meds through the tube and kept him out of the ER, where he probably would have caught whatever was floating around.

I don't want to repeat this week anytime soon. Major seizures, chaos, moving and stress. I am so grateful though that I didn't have to add hospital visit to that list!

*this has absolutely no iambic pentameter, ABA format or anything remotely resembling proper poetry. It's just for fun!*


  1. I'm sorry for your tough week. Poor little guy. Glad you didn't have to visit the ER. ugh, that is no fun.

  2. That is NO fun! I'm glad the g-tube helped to make it a little less difficult,though. Hang in there!

  3. Oh,the crazy things that make us happy!!

  4. My name is Fatima Patel, a graduate student from the Department of Nursing at Depaul University. I would like to invite you to participate in my research study that investigates the Caregiver's perspective on caring for a child with epilepsy who has a gastrostomy tube (G-tube). You may participate if you are a parent of a child with epilepsy who has a G-tube. Please do not participate if your child is under 1 year of age or over 14 years of age.

    As a participant, you will be asked to take a survey that will take about 15 minutes.
    All your responses will be kept anonymous and confidential. You may decide, at any time, to stop taking the survey if you change your mind. The results from this research may be used to improve the education and training caregiver's receive regarding the G-tube.

    If you would like to participate in this research study, please follow the link to begin taking the survey:

    If you have questions, please contact me at or you may contact my research advisor Lori Thuente, at LTHUENTE


Photos by Capture Me Candid