Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Day We Should Have Won An Emmy

Category: Best Drama

No, really...we had an episode of ER in our living room. Also, Dear Lisa-be prepared to laugh.

Set the scene-After a torrential storm that left millions without power, the streets are strewn with carnage from the trees that are plentiful. A house down the street has a hundred year old oak in their garage. The family car is ruined. (side note: *cough* the storm was four weeks ago, but we are being dramatic here :) back to the story) The father, we'll call him Brian, goes out to the yard to survey the damage and finds part of the fence has fallen down and there is a 20 foot limb that graciously left his family unscathed in his back yard. He heads out with a shark tooth hand saw, to make the clean up more manageable.

The sexy, intelligent wife, Niki (Hey-I can be dramatic too!) starts to clean the inside of the home. Keeping watch over their child, who wants nothing more than to be out with his father. She has to run outside to bring him back, twice. She carries him in, saying that it is just too hot for him. So she locks the door to put one more barrier in between him and the outdoors.

She goes about her work and suddenly hears a desperate pounding on the door and screams from the outside.

Brian: Open it! Hurry!

Niki: I'm coming! I'm coming!

She sees blood streaming down his legs, gushing between his fingers. Has a brief flashback of an incident where her father accidentally cuts his face open with a chainsaw.

Unlocks the door and throws it open. Brian staggers into her arms. She leads him to a seat in the kitchen.

Niki: Breathe! Just settle down and breathe.

Brian's head lolls to the side and snaps back up. He moans.

Brian: slurring-I'm okay.

She grabs towels and removes his hand to see that there are multiple small cuts. There is blood all over her hands. She applies pressure and tries to slow the bleeding. Knowing that her husband is prone to fainting at the sight of blood, especially his own, she tries to keep him talking.

Niki: Stay with me!

Brian's eyes roll back in his head, his face is ghastly white and his breathing is fast. There is a noise in the background.

Brian: He is seizing!

Niki has to make a decision, lead her husband to the floor in case he passes out, or run. She chooses to run.

Brian: Slurring-I am okay. Get him.

Niki runs to her son who is having a seizure and scoops him up. She races to another level of the home where the oxygen is located. His face is blue. She tries to wipe her bloody hands on her pants. As she attends to the seizing child she continues to try and talk to Brian, who is on a different floor, making sure he is conscious. The only response she gets is moaning from above. She sets the little boy up with a pulse oximeter and prepares rescue medication. She chooses not to use it, since it looks as if the seizure is going to stop on its own. The seizure lasts for an agonizing 4 minutes. As she attends to the child, her extensive training is guiding her instincts and she is calm and efficient. After it stops, she makes sure he is okay, lays him on his trusty Service dog and runs upstairs to check on her husband.

Niki: You okay? Just don't look at it.

Brian: I almost passed out.

Niki: I know. Just hold this here okay?

She runs back down to the child, who is conscious and asking to watch television. He seems to have incredible strength and tries to stand. He wants to see his dad. She carries him back upstairs and situates him on a sofa, out of sight of the carnage in the kitchen.

Niki doctors Brian's leg, that is so sweaty it is hard to get a bandage on it. There are multiple small, shallow cuts and he will not need stitches. The cuts are starting to clot, so the bleeding is slowing, mingling with the sweat. Even wiping it down with a cloth is not enough to properly get a bandage on. She asks if he can stand and he nods. She leads him upstairs to the bathroom. She grabs the child, calls the dog and situates them on the floor. She proceeds to help bathe her wobbly husband whose color has returned. After the water drains, she doctors the leg again and helps him out and into the bedroom. She places the child on the bed while Brian dresses.

Niki: *sigh* We all just need to take a break. *laughs*

Pan out-Return to scene of Niki three hours later eating stale cheesecake and watching the Olympics.

Brian: *from a distance* NIK!

Acknowledging the cry, she runs into action.

Niki: Seriously? Again?!

She runs downstairs to find the child seizing yet again, this time harder and longer. Oxygen dips, the child is blind. Meds are administered...twice. There is tension in the air, but the team is efficient. They even work with the dog, commanding him, training him to bark and rewarding him with hot dogs.

Brian: This one is bad.

She nods her head and agrees.

Niki: Poor kid.
Mommy's here. I'm here sweetie. I'm going to help make it better.

The two work together as a great team. Brian runs back and forth for various things. After ten minutes, the seizure stops, rendering the child drooling profusely and unable to speak for an hour afterwards. The parents attend to the child who remarkably has great motor skill control.

Niki's stale cheesecake decides to attack her digestive system and she clutches her stomach, runs into the bathroom and shuts the door.
Close scene.

Open on lights going out in the house. Scan every one going to bed after hugs. Their faces look hopeful for a better day tomorrow.

Music plays in the background. Fade out.

No one could make this stuff up.


  1. It had been one of those days for me...I know you know the kind...anyway, instead of laughing at your witty rendition of your day...I cried :)

  2. Watch out for infection now on those nasty cuts. ;-) We sure love you guys. Best show I've read/watched all week.

  3. I second the "holy crap" comment.


Photos by Capture Me Candid