I think things started to change about a month ago. After that first liberating experience of continuing to do what we had planned on, after a major seizure, we have been approaching things differently. I can only accredit this change in myself to time and support from other warriors. Now, occasionally I have just been stupid and tried to risk things that were SO not worth it. Case in point, I took Cole to the store for the first time in forever, it was a horrible experience. The only thing we really got out of it was groceries, and I could have sent Brian to get them on his way home. However, sometimes you just have to test your boundaries and see what is going to happen. Some days he can handle being in public, other days, not so much. Yet, doing something that is worth the risk is becoming easier to imagine.
In between things like our printer breaking for the second time, losing one of Cole's FL-41 lenses (and thankfully recovering it hours later), I have had plans. Like, real plans! For those of you who know me personally, you understand what this means to me. I'm a list maker; an organizer. Living for the last year and a half or so by the seat of my pants has not been easy. However, it has also taught me to have flexibility...and that the world won't end if I am 5 minutes late (well, maybe it won't). I planned on having some lovely ladies over to my home one night. Cole was having clusters, but he was in his father's capable hands. We planned on breaking out of the house once or twice while we had company in town. Cole had major seizures on both occasions, but we STAYED. This was a freakishly tough/great experience. I had my doubts if we would even leave the house after the week that Cole has had. He is still not eating well. I took him in for a blood draw on Thursday and they could only get half of a tube. He needed 6. They were closed on Fri, Mon is a holiday, so we have to try again on Tues. We need to see where all of his levels are before we can move forward with an action plan. I have been so confused. Do we go back on the full ketogenic diet? Do we up the depakote? Do we up the Keppra? Do we lower something? Do we? Do we? Do we? It has been mentally exhausting.
I am so grateful to Brian's brother, who is willing to put his pleasure vacation on the back burner. He didn't get to go to an amusement park, or museums, or many of the other attractions that one would come to our area to see. He wanted to spend as much time with his nephews as possible, taking into account Cole's restrictions. That is saying a lot for a single guy. Cole really misses him.
We went back and forth on what to do on Saturday since the week had been rough and Cole was still struggling on Friday night. We eventually settled on trying out a beach that is within an hour of our home. I brought every thing I could think of to make it easier. Note to self: purchase a beach umbrella, immediately. We were not there for even 20 minutes before the excitement, light and noise got to my boy. He had a full on tonic clonic in the sand, with his O2 dropping into the 60s. I sent Brian back to the car for the oxygen tank, low and behold we didn't have any tubing! It's a good thing that he popped back up into semi-normal range within a few minutes. The seizure took two rescue meds to stop, but we just decided that we were going to tough it out. Cole wanted to be up and going fairly quickly, but did not want anything to do with the sand or the water. So he just stumbled/wandered for a while with his dad tagging along to make sure he was okay. It probably helped that a family near us had their disabled daughter in the bay. Her pink wheelchair was parked right on the sand and they carried her in to the surf. She was definitely more disabled than Cole and was older too. Probably around 11 or 12. However, I could still see the joy in her face while the waves bobbed her body up and down as two of her loved ones carried her in the brackish water. Her squeals of delight made me smile and think, "If they can do it, so can I".
I am just proving to myself that I am stronger than I thought. Well, Cole is proving it to me too. After the meds wore off, he got in the water and played like any other three year old would. He was doing so well that we even went to a small museum afterwards. Risky? Most certainly. However, it was so good to just be together, doing something besides wanting to pull my hair out.
Hi Niki,
ReplyDeleteI was supposed to take Zoe to Hawaii last year, but as she wasn't doing well I decided to wait. Made the decision pre Dravet diagnosis and found out it was Dravet just after. I decided to see how Zoe would do with our every 3 month trips to California first. Since diagnosis I have taken her to California (1200 miles) 6 times and to Connecticut for the IDEA League Conference (which included 4 small seizures just after takeoff from JFK). Just got back from Hawaii last week. It was scary taking her over the Pacific - not as far as Australia would be - but several hours to the nearest hospital. Paid for the oxygen just in case, but didn't need it. Had a great time and was so worth it, and she did great on the flight. Only got upset when I made her put her toys away and go to sleep, otherwise she didn't want to get off of the plane.
Basically, what I am saying is that you will get there, and it may be sooner than you think. I can't wait to take her back to Hawaii again next year.
It is highly possible that if you keep up those trips to the grocery store, Cole will adjust and so will you and things won't be traumatic but normal, or as normal as Dravet can be.
I think you are all stronger than you think and things will continue to get better, and remember Cole gets his strength and resilience from you and Brian.